so i have a chart that calls data from a csv file. i basically need to put x and y in the same chart currently it is like this in two individual charts.
'url' : 'csvfile.csv',
'method' : 'get',
'success' : function(response){
var response = Papa.parse(response,{
header: true
for(var i in{
chartData.x.push([step * i,[i]['rot_x']]);
chartData.y.push([step * i,[i]['rot_y']]);
chartData.z.push([step * i,[i]['rot_z']]);
var plotX = $.plot($("#x-chart"),[ {
data: chartData.x,
label: 'ROT-X'
var plotY = $.plot($("#y-chart"),[ {
data: chartData.y,
label: 'ROT-Y'
any help here greatly appreciated i effectively want to get to this type of solution where both x and y are in the same chart..
var plotX = $.plot($("#x-chart"),[ {
data: {'chartData.x','chartData.y'},
label: 'ROT-X'
this does not work currently but at least you will see the problem
Assuming you are using the flot plugin for jQuery, then there are good docs that will help you. I believe your issue is that the data property of the objects in the plotData array need to be arrays - in your code your are using an object.
You could have one chart with two data sources:
var plotData = [
label: "ROT-X",
data: chartData.x
label: "ROT-Y",
data: chartData.y
var plotX = $.plot($("#x-chart"), plotData, plotConfig);
Or merge the arrays and have one data source.
var plotData = [
label: "ROT-X&Y",
data: chartData.x.concat(chartData.y)
var plotX = $.plot($("#x-chart"), plotData, plotConfig);