I am new to AWS SWF and trying to create some activities, workflow and workflow starter. I found many examples and with the help of them I am now able to register a domain, create some activities and create a workflow but I am not able to write a program which will start my workflow execution.
Can someone help me here. Below are my code till now:
defaultTaskHeartbeatTimeoutSeconds = FlowConstants.NONE,
defaultTaskScheduleToCloseTimeoutSeconds = 300,
defaultTaskScheduleToStartTimeoutSeconds = FlowConstants.NONE,
defaultTaskStartToCloseTimeoutSeconds = 300)
public interface ActivityWorker {
@Activity(name = "swftest1", version = "1.0")
public String print() throws IOException;
@Activity(name = "swftest2", version = "1.0")
public String print2() throws IOException;
public class ActivityWorkerImpl implements ActivityWorker{
public String print() throws IOException {
return "Printing..";
public String print2() throws IOException {
return "Printing2..";
defaultExecutionStartToCloseTimeoutSeconds = 600,
defaultTaskStartToCloseTimeoutSeconds = 300)
public interface Worker {
@Execute(version = "1.0", name="worker1")
public void greet();
public class WorkerImpl implements Worker{
private final ActivityWorkerImpl actWorkerImpl = new ActivityWorkerImpl();
public void greet() {
new TryCatchFinally() {
protected void doTry() throws Throwable {
String res= downloadFromS3();
protected void doCatch(Throwable e) throws Throwable {
throw e;
protected void doFinally() throws Throwable {
// noop
private String downloadFromS3() throws IOException {
return this.actWorkerImpl.print();
public class ActivityHost {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String domain = "test1";
String taskListToPoll = "HelloWorldList";
ClientConfiguration config = new ClientConfiguration().withSocketTimeout(70*1000);
String swfAccessId = "myid";
String swfSecretKey = "mysecretekey";
AWSCredentials awsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(swfAccessId, swfSecretKey);
AmazonSimpleWorkflow swf = new AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient(awsCredentials, config);
ActivityWorker activityworker = new ActivityWorker(swf, domain, taskListToPoll);
//adding activity
activityworker.addActivitiesImplementation(new ActivityWorkerImpl());
//adding workflow
WorkflowWorker worker = new WorkflowWorker(swf,domain, taskListToPoll);
Aftere running Host.java , I am able to see my activities and workflow in aws console but how to trigger my workflow that I am not able to figure out.
Can someone please help me here.
Use the generated external client to start workflow executions:
WorkerClientExternalFactory f = new WorkerClientExternalFActory (swf, domain);
WorkerClientExternal w = f.getClient();
I recommend going through AWS Flow Framework Examples and Recipes as they contain working end to end examples for various scenarios.
In your code you have an @Asynchronous method that returns a String. It is not allowed as such method must either return void or Promise. Your workflow code should never reference an activity implementation directly, but only through the generated client.
Edit: The factory and the clients are generated by an annotation processor. Follow instructions from the "Setting up the AWS Flow Framework for Java" document on enabling code generation.