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How to detect scrolling for NSOutlineView?

I've two NSOutlineViews shown side by side they contain the same number of rows (this is a prerequisite) and I need to synchronize them when user scrolls using mouse, keyboard or scrollbars so I see the same view portion (or rows).

I'm a newbie in the Cocoa land and I'm unable to find how this can be accomplished


  • You'll want to get the clip view of the NSOutlineView's enclosing scroll view:

    NSClipView * clipView = [[outlineView enclosingScrollView] contentView];

    ...and set its -setPostsFrameChangedNotifications: to YES. Listen for the NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification from that view and respond accordingly.

    Note: The nomenclature isn't very clear. Most people's first expectation of -contentView: is that it returns the view being scrolled. The -contentView: method returns the scroll view's NSClipView whereas the -documentView: method returns the actual view being scrolled.