I have the following JSON structure:
"id" : "uniqueId",
"foo" : [1,2,3],
"bar": {
"frob" : "quox"
And I want to transform it to the following one:
"id" : "uniqueId",
"bar": {
"frob" : "quox",
"foo-copy" : [1,2,3]
What is correct play-json transformation to achieve this?
I've tried the following
val moveToObject = (__ \ 'bar ).json.update((__ \ 'foo-copy).json.copyFrom(
(__ \ 'foo).json.pick
But that doesn't give me what I want.
There is no move transformation, single transformations only (copy + delete). So you need copy foo
value to bar\foo-copy
and then remove foo
(__ \ "bar" \ "foo-copy").json.copyFrom(
(__ \ "foo").json.pick
) andThen (__ \ "foo").json.prune
scala> res0: play.api.libs.json.JsResult[play.api.libs.json.JsObject] = JsSuccess({"id":"uniqueId","bar":{"frob":"quox","foo-copy":[1,2,3]}},/foo/foo)