I'm using Wicket 6.xx and I have a Wicket Form
that I use to upload some files. This is not a problem. The problem is that I need to run some JavaScript on the page after the form has been submitted in order to show a modal popup that is JavaScript based.
However, I can't do that because I don't have an AjaxRequestTarget
object, since a form submission is not an Ajax call. Or at least, I'm guessing that's the reason. I've tried the following, taken from another thread, but it doesn't work:
From<RequestInfo> uploadFrm = new Form<RequestInfo>("uploadFrm", getModel()) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onSubmit() {
AjaxRequestTarget target = RequestCycle.get().find(AjaxRequestTarget.class);
target.appendJavascript("..."); //NullPointerException: target is always null
As you can tell from the comment I put there, target
is always null
What is the proper way to run some JavaScript in a situation like this? Is there a proper way?
I think the best way to do that is to add an AjaxSubmitLink to your form so you can call javascript code inside the onSubmit method:
HTML code:
<form wicket:id="uploadFrm">
<input type="submit" wicket:id="ajaxSubmitLink" value="OK" />
JAVA code:
Form<RequestInfo> uploadFrm = new Form<RequestInfo>("uploadFrm", getModel());
AjaxSubmitLink ajaxSubmitLink = new AjaxSubmitLink("ajaxSubmitLink", uploadFrm) {
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
target.appendJavaScript("you javascript");