button.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
@Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) {
In the code above we are defining what will happen when we press the button. This is all good but I wanna create new ActionListener and then add it to my button. Normally in JButton I can just add ActionListener like this:
In code above createButtonListener() returns ActionListener.
My question is: What is the equivalent of JButton addActionListener ?
I think this is how I should do. Creating the handler:
public EventHandler<Event> createSolButtonHandler()
btnSolHandler = new EventHandler<Event>() {
public void handle(Event event) {
return btnSolHandler;
Adding Handler to button:
btnSol.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, biddingHelperFrameController.createSolButtonHandler());