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R: Convert Brightkite location ID to place name

I've downloaded BrightKite data from SNAP for data mining purposes using R programming, each record of the dataset is in the form:

user    time                 lat           long                 locID
0   2010-10-17T01:48:53Z    39.747652   -104.99251 88c46bf20db295831bd2d1718ad7e6f5

My problem is that I want to know what place each location Id is corresponding to, isn't there any method by which I can parse Location IDs into places names?


  • The geonames API can get this. Install the latest version from github using devtools (install devtools from CRAN first if you haven't got it yet) and get yourself a geonames username from :

    > devtools::install_github("ropensci/geonames")
    > require(geonames)
    > options(geonamesUsername="sarashaker") # create a user at

    Then for some place with lat/long:

    > place
           lat      long
    1 39.74765 -104.9925

    Call to GNfindNearby with a small radius parameter:

    > res = GNfindNearby(lat=place$lat, lng=place$long,radius=0.1)
    Warning message:
    In GNfindNearby(lat = place$lat, lng = place$long, radius = 0.1) :
      Not documented properly yet by geonames

    Ignore the warning - I don't think the response was well documented when I wrote this package. Anyway, the nearest match is the first element of the first element:

    > closest = res[[1]][[1]]
    > closest$name
    [1] "Residence Inn by Marriott Denver City Center"
    > closest$distance
    [1] "0.01083"

    The next closest place is the second element of the first element:

    > res[[1]][[2]]$name
    [1] "Hotel Monaco Denver - a Kimpton Hotel"
    > res[[1]][[2]]$dist
    [1] "0.01933"