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How to loop on a resource type multiple times in v3.8?

I have a Puppet manifest with three exec resources:

exec { 'test1':
  command     => "bla1",
  require     => File['test'],

exec { 'test2':
  command     => "bla2",
  require     => File['test'],

exec { 'test3':
  command     => "bla3",
  require     => File['test'],

Can someone offer a way to improve the code, such as with a loop?

I'm using Puppet 3.8 and would need something supported in that release.


  • This is one way to do it:

      $cmd = [
      define run_command {
        exec { "${name}":
          path    => ['/usr/bin','/usr/sbin','/bin','/sbin'],
      run_command { $cmd: 
          require => File['test'];