This is my first post and I'm having problems with a servlet to interpret a variable I created to sequentially name two TAGs on a page running with Liferay.
Apparently the JSP interprets correctly for some TAGs and some does not. This is strange to me.
The following is an example of the code:
<div id="buttons<%=sequencia%>"> <aui:a href="javascript:printdiv('content<%=sequencia%>');" cssClass="bt_esquerda<%=sequencia%>">Imprimir<%=sequencia%></aui:a>
<div id="buttons1"> <a href="javascript:printdiv('content<%=sequencia%>');"
Does anyone have any idea WHY it can not resolve within the single and double quotation marks of the <a>
tag, but can <div>
Even if you do not know, do you have any alternative ideas?
Thank you.
The reason of issue is aui:a represents custom aui anchor tag; which has its implementation whereas div is generic html tag.
You may use any of below alternative
<aui:a href="javascript:;" onClick='<%="javascript:printdiv(\'content+<%=sequencia%>+\');" cssClass="bt_esquerda<%=sequencia%>">Imprimir<%=sequencia%></aui:a>
<aui:a href='<%="javascript:printdiv(\'content+<%=sequencia%>+\');" cssClass="bt_esquerda<%=sequencia%>">Imprimir<%=sequencia%></aui:a>