If I have two Lookup in a Query Promt correlated between them, there is a way to insert its relation in these lookup?
Example :
VENDTABLE Query Promt fields SegmentId and SubSegmentId.
If I select determinate value in Field SegmentId I want to select all SubSegmentId having has the same as that put in SegmentId, vice versa if I selected SubSegmentId (with specific SegmentId) I want to filter in SegmentId .
How to create a relation between two filed ?
Thanks all,
You can create the relation between the fields on the table, however it does not affect the query form.
This is probably due to the implementation problem: How to do a lookup on zip codes if the country selected is, say "DNK,USA"?
It does work on a form (with bound fields) because you can only choose one value for country.
So the answer is, it cannot be done in a query form, you can however create your own (dialog) form and override the lookup there.