I have the following XML:
<Vehicle xmlns="http://www.cartest.co.uk">
What I want to do is parse the document and if the NoOfDoors element exists, move the MaxSpeed element above it.
So taking the above example XML, I would get the following output:
<Vehicle xmlns="http://www.cartest.co.uk">
I have created the following snippet of code (among lots of other attempts) and I just cant seem to get it to work:
// Parse the XML document
doc = ParseDocument(fileName);
// Deal with default namespace
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put( "ns", "http://www.cartest.co.uk");
Dom4jXPath xpath = new Dom4jXPath( "//ns:Car");
xpath.setNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(map));
List<Node> nodes = xpath.selectNodes(doc);
for(Node node : nodes)
Element element = (Element)node;
Iterator<Element> iterator = element.elementIterator();
Element currentElement = (Element)iterator.next();
List<Element> elementList = currentElement.getParent().elements();
for(Element elements : elementList)
Node moveNode = elements.detach();
elementList.add(elementList.indexOf(elements), (Element) moveNode);
The code when run gives the following error:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: -1
Anyone know a way how to do this using Dom4J? The problem I seem to have is when I detach the element, I just cant seem to add it back into the list that I have.
I managed to get this working by creating a new list and then iterating over this list using a new iterator as shown in the following code:
// Parse the XML document
doc = ParseDocument(fileName);
// Deal with default namespace
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put( "ns", "http://www.cartest.co.uk");
Dom4jXPath xpath = new Dom4jXPath( "//ns:Car");
xpath.setNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(map));
List<Node> nodes = xpath.selectNodes(doc);
for(Node node : nodes)
Element element = (Element)node;
Iterator<Element> iterator = element.elementIterator();
Element currentElement = (Element)iterator.next();
List<Element> elementList = currentElement.getParent().elements();
Iterator<Element> iterator2 = element.elementIterator();
Element newCurrentElement = (Element)iterator2.next();
elementList.add(elementList.indexOf(currentElement), newCurrentElement);