I execute the following javascript code in iOS using JavaScriptCore framework. The javascript code is browserified.
var myCallback = undefined;
*browserify logic*
1: [function(require, module, exports) {
var q = require('./user');
var p = new Promise(function(resolved, reject) {
myCallback = function() {
p.then(function(x) {printFunc('test');}).catch(function(e){printFunc('test2');});
}, {
"./user": 2
2: [function(require, module, exports) {
function q() {
printFunc("Callback called!");
printFunc("Callback called end!");
module.exports = q;
}, {}]
}, {}, [1]);
printFunc is a method implemented in Swift that just prints something to console. Here is the implementation:
let printFunction : @convention(block) (String) -> String = {input in
return ""
The problem is that I am receiving the following error:
|Callback called!|
Error compiling builtin: Invalid private name '@capabilities'
|Callback called end!|
Even more strange is that if I remove the prints "Callback called!" and "Callback called end!" the code executes without error and it prints "test".
Did you guys encountered this strange behaviour? Is it a known bug with Promise implementation?
This is a bug in the JavascriptCore's Promise implementation. I opened a ticket at Apple and it is confirmed.
An workaround is to come with your own Promise implementation.