The excel not accepting the formula
=IF(AND(Sheet1!BZ2<>"",Sheet1!CB2<>"",Sheet1!CD2<>"",Sheet1!CF2<>"",Sheet1!CH2<>"",Sheet1!CA2="",Sheet1!BC2="B"), IF(Sheet1!CA2="","",TODAY()-1),
IF(AND(OR(Sheet1!DB2="Completed - Knowledge Transfer"),AND(Sheet1!BC2<>"")),IF(Sheet1!CA2="","",TODAY()-1),
I am following the below syntax for IF
=IF (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])
I am trying to nest the other conditions whenever the statements gets FALSE
Please help.
Can someone pls find the syntax error I am doing in this
The If statement isn't nested properly and also you are using some AND Or statements which are again not used properly.
Simplifying your formula we get this
where ,
a = AND(Sheet1!BZ2<>"",Sheet1!CB2<>"",Sheet1!CD2<>"",Sheet1!CF2<>"",Sheet1!CH2<>"",Sheet1!CA2="",Sheet1!BC2="B")
b = IF(Sheet1!CA2="","",TODAY()-1)
c = AND(Sheet1!BZ2<>"",Sheet1!CA2="",Sheet1!BC2="A")
d = IF(Sheet1!CA2="","",TODAY()-1)
e = AND(OR(Sheet1!DB2="Completed - Knowledge Transfer"),AND(Sheet1!BC2<>""))This does not make sense
f = IF(Sheet1!CA2="","",TODAY()-1)
g = IF(Sheet1!CA2="","",Sheet1!CA2)
A proper nested IF will be of the form