I have question regarding destructuring in Javascript, say for example I have this object structure:
let obj = {
subObj: {
id: 123,
otherProp: 'value'
Is this destructuring pattern even possible:
let { subObj: { id } } = obj
let someId = id;
let otherObj = subObj //this is not working
I would like to grab the sub object and a property within the sub object in one operation. I've had a look on this resource 2ality but cant to find an answer.
I would like to grab the sub object and a property within the sub object in one operation
You can do that like this:
let {subObj : {id}, subObj} = obj;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^
// \ \----- grabs subObj
// \---------------- grabs id
The other order is fine too:
let {subObj, subObj : {id}} = obj;
// ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// \ \--------- grabs id
// \------------------- grabs subObj
let obj = {
subObj: {
id: 123,
otherProp: 'value'
// Grabs subObj ----vvvvvv
let {subObj : {id}, subObj} = obj;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^---grabs id