I have created a SpringBoot Admin Server where clients register to it. I wish to be able to change logging levels at runtime in the 'Logging' tab in the SpringBoot Admin Server. In one of the clients, my problem is creating a parent logger for all loggers in the package "ke.co.betatech" where I would change the logging level for Logger.getLogger("ke.co.betatech") at runtime and the descendant's logging level changes. I don't want to use the root logger to change the logging level since it changes the logging levels for all loggers registered.
package ke.co.betatech.controllers;
public class Controller2 implements IController {
Logger LOG;
public Controller2() {
LOG = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
public String hello() {
return "hello"
In the main class this is what I attempted
public class LoggingLevelRuntimeApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// I created the parent logger here
Logger log = Logger.getLogger("ke.co.betatech");
SpringApplication.run(LoggingLevelRuntimeApplication.class, args);
The problem is, the logger Logger.getLogger("ke.co.betatech")
does not appear in the list of loggers in the Spring Boot Admin Server.
You can show the package loggers if you click on the symbol right next to the search input on the logging page.