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How to parse String, with both decimal separators comma and dot as well, to Double

I need to input number as a String from user and parse it to the Double object.

I'd like it to be available to take comma, as a decimal separator, and dot as well and save it and outuput only with a dot.

Example: 22,33-->22.33 and 22.33-->22.33

What I use is:

NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
        try {
            Number number = format.parse(formDto.getWeight());
        } catch (ParseException e) {

But it only gets values with ',' separator. When user inputs with dot it loses all decimals and returns that 22.33 -->22.0 or 4.1 --> 4.0 When i debug i see that it's a parsing problem (obvious) but have no idea what is good practice to solve it.


  • Like Mohit Thakur said, but compilable.

    NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
    try {
        Number number = format.parse(formDto.getWeight().replace('.', ','));
    } catch (ParseException e) {