Using yaml in my Spring-boot application (with snakeyaml dependency 1.16) I am attempting to create a @ConfigurationProperties
based off of my application.yml file. I want to create a data structure like the json below which is a Map with String Keys and Array values.
mapName: {
"key1": ["elem0","elem1"],
"key2": ["hello","world"]
Attempting to create a Spring configuration class as follows
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "channel-broker")
public class BrokerConfiguration {
private Map<String, Set<String>> broker = new HashMap<>();
public Map<String, Set<String>> getBroker() {
return broker;
I have tried the following for my yaml
broker: {message-delivery: ['all'], facebook: ['client1']}
Attempt two
message-delivery: ['all']
facebook: ['client1']
Attempt three
- ['all']
- ['client1']
I have also tried initializing the HashMap in the @ConfigurationProperties
class as such ... new HashMap<String, Set<String>>
this didn't work either
All attempts result in this error which makes me believe its an error when converting to the object not that there is anything wrong with the yaml syntax.
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.InvalidPropertyException: Invalid property 'brokerTest[message-delivery][0]' of bean class [my.classpackage.clasname]: Property referenced in indexed property path 'brokerTest[message-delivery][0]' is neither an array nor a List nor a Map; returned value was [all]
Is it possible to create such an object? How would I accomplish this
If I change the Set to an ArrayList (or List interface) this works but that isn't what I'm looking for. changed to this
private Map<String, ArrayList<String>> brokerTest = new HashMap<>();
but need this doesn't work with Set interface either:
private Map<String, HashSet<String>> brokerTest = new HashMap<>();
This issue was being caused by the format of the yaml file. The following structure allowed me to build my graph like data structure out of yaml
The Set doesn't want anything extra surrounding the key. Note if your Set will contain multiple values you can add a comma to separate them. Just like Json the last element will not have a comma after.