I have a requirement in which i need to have MultiMap where there should be no duplicate values. So for this I used Guava SetMultimap. But now I want to preserve the order of insertion. How do I achieve it with SetMultiMap. Please any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks, Tushar
For those that come along later, here is some test code to show the behavior of LinkedHashMultimap
private static void assertTrue(boolean x)
if (!x)
throw new AssertionError();
public static void main(String[] args)
SetMultimap<String, String> sm = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
List<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = Arrays.asList(
new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("z", "z"),
new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("a", "a"),
new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("x", "x"),
new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("z", "x") // Multiple values per key OK
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : entries)
assertTrue(sm.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
assertTrue(!sm.put("z", "z")); // Duplicate not added
// Check iterator ordering is same as insertion order
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> i1 = sm.entries().iterator();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> i2 = entries.iterator();
while (i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext())
// Check same number of elements in both collections
assertTrue(!i1.hasNext() && !i2.hasNext());