Given this text:
"Friends are friendlier friendlies that are friendly and classify the friendly classification class. Flowery flowers flow through following the flower flows"
I need to apply stemming to the text to achieve the following outcome:
frequency("following") = 1
frequency("flow") = 2
frequency("classification") = 1
frequency("class") = 1
frequency("flower") = 3
frequency("friend") = 4
frequency("friendly") = 4
frequency("classes") = 1
As we interface with the FAST search engine. FAST indexes content to provide relevant search results to a query. One aspect of indexing is stemming and we need to use either C# or ruby to solve this.
Would appreciate anyone's views on the best approach
public StemmingProcessorResults ProcessText(string text)
return new StemmingProcessorResults(
new []{
new StemmingProcessorResultItem("following", 1),
new StemmingProcessorResultItem("flow", 2),
new StemmingProcessorResultItem("classification", 1),
new StemmingProcessorResultItem("class", 1),
new StemmingProcessorResultItem("flower", 3),
new StemmingProcessorResultItem("friend", 4),
new StemmingProcessorResultItem("friendly", 4),
new StemmingProcessorResultItem("classes", 1)
There you go, that should be perfect for your copy-paste needs