I'm trying to develop a method that justify my text in a memo/label. But I need to take the X position of a character. Is this possible? If not, how can I justify my texts in firemonkey? I know that this is possible on desktop using an VLC library, but I found nothing for firemonkey.
I haven't found anything for getting X coords of chars. You can create array of widths of characters for your font and make method to count absolute x and y of characters, something like this:
for y := 0 to Memo.Lines.Count - 1 do
for x := 0 to Memo.Lines[y].Length - 1 do
AbsoluteX := AbsoluteX + CharWidths[Memo.Lines[y][x]];
AbsoluteY := AbsoluteY + CharHeights[Memo.Lines[y][x]];
// Be careful, for crossplatform using you should use Copy(), not string[n]
For text align you can use this(for label you also have VerTextAlign)
Memo.TextAlign := TTextAlign.Trailing; // For right justify
Memo.TextAlign := TTextAlign.Center; // For center justify
Memo.TextAlign := TTextAlign.Leading; // For default left justify