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How to add header comments to webpack uglified JavaScript?

I am currently using the following webpack.config.js:

var webpack = require('webpack');

module.exports = {
  entry: __dirname + "/src/index.js",
    output: {
      path: __dirname,
      filename: "index.js"
  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'babel',
        exclude: '/node_modules/',
        query: {
          presets: ['latest']
  plugins: [ new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({minimize: true}) ]

This works exactly how I want it to. But now I want to add some comments with project info to the output file, on top of the one line with uglified code. How do I do this?


  • Add the comments to the code after minification using Webpack's BannerPlugin():

    const webpack = require('webpack');
    new webpack.BannerPlugin(banner);
    // or
    new webpack.BannerPlugin(options);