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How can i print alphabetical letters diagonaly using MASM?

im trying this code but i was not able perfectly print diagonally in alphabet order.. can you help me to this code? program output screenshot

.model small


mov cx,26
mov bh,00
mov ah,02h
mov dl,41h
mov dh,02h
int 10h
int 21h
inc dl
inc dh
loop again

mov ah,4ch
int 21h
end start


  • All the problems with this code stem from the fact that both the BIOS function 02h (SetCursor) and the DOS function 02h (WriteCharacter) use the DL register as a parameter. Unluckily for you the meaning is different in this cases. Several solutions exist. Using the free register BL to keep a separate character code was suggested by Ped7g.

    A simple solution that I present is not using the DOS output function at all, and writing to the display with BIOS function 0Eh (TeletypeCharacter). This function does not rely on DL as a parameter. It rather uses the AL register.

    .model small
    mov al, "A"    <<<First character
    mov bh, 0      <<<Display page 0
    mov cx, 25     <<<Iteration count
    mov dl, 0      <<<Start at column 0
    mov dh, 0      <<<Start at row 0
    mov ah, 02h    <<<BIOS function SetCursor
    int 10h
    mov ah, 0Eh    <<<BIOS function TeleType
    int 10h
    inc dl         <<<Next column
    inc dh         <<<Next row
    inc al         <<<Next character
    loop again
    mov ah, 4Ch
    int 21h
    end start

    When working on the standard textscreen there are 80 columns and 25 rows. You should not position the cursor off-screen! The most iterations your program should perform therefore is 25.