I am testing vue-i18n
in order to implement it for my future projects. I have a separate system to handle the translations, so I got remote json files. vue-i18n
have a system to fetch the locale using a promise, explainations here.
I cannot use the fetch method because my files are outside so I got cross-origin troubles. Instead I do it with vue-resource
, but I don't know why, when I set a new set of locale, it doesn't update automatically. bescause the default lang is en
, when I load my en
locale file, it does nothing. I have to change two times the config.lang
to force update.
Several things:
A jsfiddle to test > http://jsfiddle.net/t4kdoqj7/3/ uncomment line 19 to reproduce the fix
Maybe it's just due to a bad using of vue-resource
I couldn't create a vue-i18n
Thank you for your help !
Ok, I just found a hack :
Set Vue.config.lang = ''
before loading anything
Here the fiddle (l9) > http://jsfiddle.net/t4kdoqj7/4/