I'm building an app with appcelerator. I'm building also a custom slide menu. So if you click on the button the slide menu appears from left to right.
Now late today I have this menu with fixed width. To hide this menu I set a property left at -width.
Now I want to set a width of menu with a percentage. But I don't know how can I hide a menu.
So this is my css file:
"#main_menu": {
layout: "vertical",
scrollType: "vertical",
showVerticalScrollIndicator: true,
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: "55%",
height: Ti.UI.FILL,
backgroundColor: "#70C662",
this is my js file
var menu_width = (Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth/2);
main_menu = Alloy.createController("_main_menu", args).getView();
$.sidebar.left = -menu_width;
But the size of menu_width, is not correct because his value is 180, and it is not possible that my smartphone have 360px has a dimension.
If your menu view has the width set to 55%, you need to store the dp version of that percentage.
"#main_menu": {
width: "55%"
Device width:
var width = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth;
//update this on orientation change
Hide the menu:
$.main_menu.left = show ? 0 : -parseInt(width * 0.55));
If the device width is 360, the menu width 198 and the left value when hidden is -198
Don't forget to update the values on orientation change.