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Need to force IE11 to IE7 using X-UA-Compatible

When I kept the tag meta tag 'meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"' in header tag of my jsp, but jsp is in under nested of another jsp like showed in the image. But i cannot kept in the above jsp, because it's controlled by some other team.

I need to force the Internet explorer to IE7 could someone help me to this without change in system properties enter image description here


  • This appears to be impossible as of IE9 - from How Internet Explorer Chooses Between Document Modes (emphasis added):

    1. In Internet Explorer 9, if the document is hosted in an iframe element, the document mode is determined by the document mode of the top-level webpage. Subdocuments cannot be rendered in IE9 mode unless the top-level document is also in IE9 mode.

    I would assume this rule also applies to framesets - and different document modes - as in your case.

    For a more recent look at how IE11 decides which document mode to render in, take a look at Deprecated document modes and Internet Explorer 11, which contains a flowchart of the process.