I have been googling around and the closest response (not answer) is here, but I am confused of the response. I am trying to sort some dog names using Collection.sort(), so I need to learn to use Comparable interface. My questions:
1) why do I need to use the compareTo() that came from the interface when I "override" the compareTo()?
2) If the compareTo() from Comparable interface is a default method, why doesn't it has a "default" keyword in front of the method? Java SE 8 Menu
Here is the partial code:
for(Dog a: list) // printing the sorted list of names
System.out.print(a.getDogName() + ", ");
Here is the class implement the Comparable interface:
class Dog implements Comparator<Dog>, Comparable<Dog> {
private String name;
private int age;
Dog() {}
Dog(String n, int a) {
name = n; age = a;
public String getDogName() {
return name;
public int getDogAge() {
return age;
public int compareTo(Dog d) {
return (this.name).compareTo(d.name); //###.....my question
// Override Comparator Interface's compare() to sort "ages"
public int compare(Dog d, Dog d1) {
return d.age - d1.age;
Here's something to think about.
A Dog
is Comparable
to other Dog
s. It is not itself something that compares two other Dog
So, implementing Comparable
is "more correct".
And you are conflicting two methods.
static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list)
Sorts the specified list into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.
So, Collections.sort(dogs);
will sort your list.
static <T> void sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? super T> c)
Sorts the specified list according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
This is how you use that method.
Collections.sort(dogs, new Comparator<Dog>() {
public int compare(Dog d1, Dog d2) {
return d1.compareTo(d2); // Call the Comparable method
You can, of course, implement that inner method to order by age
return Integer.compare(d1.getAge(), d2.getAge());