I'm trying to find a solution why my code doesn't work properly. I used solution from Recording synthesized text-to-speech to a file in Python, and it kinda didnt worked out for me. The question is why 2 methods/functions text_to_wav and all_texts_to_files doesnt work for me.
import json
import pyttsx
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import subprocess
class Ver2ProjectWithTTS(object):
def __init__(self):
self.list_merge = []
def do_the_job(self):
def read_json_file(self):
with open("json-example.json", 'r') as df:
json_data = json.load(df)
for k in json_data['sentences']:
text_json = k['text']
speed_json = int(k['speed'])
volume_json = float(k['volume'])
dict_json = {'text': text_json, 'speed': speed_json, 'volume': volume_json}
def read_xml_file(self):
tree = et.parse('xml-example.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for k in range(0, len(root)):
text_xml = root[k][0].text
speed_xml = int(root[k][1].text)
volume_xml = float(root[k][2].text)
dict_xml = {'text': text_xml, 'speed': speed_xml, 'volume': volume_xml}
def say_something(self):
for item in self.list_merge:
engine = pyttsx.init()
engine.setProperty('rate', item['speed'])
engine.setProperty('volume', item['volume'])
def text_to_wav(self, text, file_name):
subprocess.call(["espeak", "-w"+file_name+".wav", text])
def all_texts_to_files(self):
for item in self.list_merge:
cleared_text = self.clear_text_from_underscores(item['text'])
self.text_to_wav(cleared_text, item['text'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Ver2ProjectWithTTS()
Error code here:
#In my project:
line 91, in <module> a.do_the_job()
line 21, in do_the_job self.all_texts_to_files()
line 85, in all_texts_to_files self.text_to_wav(cleared_text, item['text'])
line 80, in text_to_wav subprocess.call(["espeak", "-w"+file_name+".wav", text])
#in subprocess:
line 523, in call return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
line 711, in __init__ errread, errwrite)
line 959, in _execute_child startupinfo)
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
Assuming you are using Python on a win os, you will need to specify the full path to the subprocess, and of course the full output file path eg;
espeak_path = "C:/Program Files/eSpeak/command_line/espeak.exe"
file_name = "C:/temp/test"
subprocess.call([espeak_path,"-w"+file_name+".wav", text])