I have one jsp and want to disable dropdown list using scriplet without any onclick method or event in dropdown menu
boolean something= true;
// here I want to get plc1 using id and want to disable it if it is true
//do some thing
my dropdown html code is here
<td bgcolor='' align="center" ><select id = "plc1" name="place1" onclick="this.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = this.value">
<option value='red'>Park here</option>
<option value='green'>Cancel</option>
how to do it? any hint please?
boolean something=false;
String state = "";
state = "disabled";
// here I want to get plc1 using id and want to disable it if it is ture
state = "enable";
<select <%= state %> id = "plc1" >
Now its working Thanks