I have created a polyfill for the JavaScript Array;
if (Array.prototype.remove !== 'function') {
Array.prototype.remove = function (value) {
var idx = this.indexOf(value);
if (idx !== -1) {
return this.splice(idx, 1);
return false;
Now I am upgrading the original JavaScript project to a TypeScript project and the tsc complains about the usage of the .remove method:
class Archive {
documents: DocInfo[] = []; // <-- Array of class DocInfo
addDocument(document: DocInfo) {
deleteDocument(document: DocInfo) {
tsc complains here: TS2339:Property 'remove' does not exist on type 'DocInfo[]'
How can I tell the tsc about this extension?
I tried creating a typings file, but without any success:
declare module 'Array' {
export function removeByAttr(propertyName: string, propertyValue: any);
The typings should extend Array<T>
interface Array<T> {
remove(item: T): boolean;