I am new to Karaf, hence was looking for resources to create a project for RESTful web services using felix annotations and without the use of BundleActivator class(i mean by an actual class that needs to be written by me, but its ok if some compiler or maven plugin does the same for me) and blueprint xml file. So far I got success in the first part(BundleActivator part) which now after compilation auto creates my MANIFEST.MF with import and export statements, creates the relevant XML file for each component class, and packages it into a a nice jar bundle which works very well when I deploy it on Karaf container. But what is not working is the RESTful services. The bundle is deployed correctly, but the REST urls are not exposed and hence I am unable to access them.
Please help me in getting this done. I don't want to write an XML file which needs to be modified everytime there is an addition or deletion of a rest service.
I figured out a way to do so without using the CXF feature. That is, create a component class and in activate method get the object of ConfigurationAdmin and put the required context path against the jersy server process(using jersey publisher jar). Using this mehtod, I was able to deploy any rest/serlvet in Karaf without using blueprint.xml file. I hope this helps.