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LibGit2Sharp Unresponsiveness

I've been looking around and I'm looking for a way to make my git files pull, but not loose responsiveness of my launcher. I've done reading on asynchronously and I'm not sure if it's even possible. Right now I have

private void Install() {
       Repository.Clone("Myrepourl", "Localinstall");

It's a rather large bit of information to pull, so I'd like to give them updates as it moves from Rep as it pulls from 4 repos I have total. IE

private void Install() {
       Repository.Clone("url", "local");
       installstatus.Text = "Pulling next repo";
       Repository.Clone("url", "local");

Can this be ran asynchronously or is it only going to work synchronously?


  • Running the Clone in a Task with TransferProgress events is the way I go about it.

    Task-based Console Example:

    class MainClass
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Task.Run(() =>
                Repository.Clone("", Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "foobar"),
                    new CloneOptions { OnTransferProgress = MainClass.TransferProgress });
        public static bool TransferProgress(TransferProgress progress)
            Console.WriteLine($"Objects: {progress.ReceivedObjects} of {progress.TotalObjects}, Bytes: {progress.ReceivedBytes}");
            return true;