I have several speech files and I need to cut a certain part of the sound file, from 0.21 milliseconds to 0.45 milliseconds. The script below will select the sound segment from 0.21 milliseconds to 0.45 milliseconds and save it. I want to cut the segment from the speech file and then save it without it. I should probably add another line after "Move end of selection to nearest zero crossing" and change the "Write selected sound..." but I am not sure how exactly.
form Files
sentence InputDir ./
createDirectory ("output")
Create Strings as file list... list 'inputDir$'*.wav
numberOfFiles = Get number of strings
for ifile to numberOfFiles
select Strings list
fileName$ = Get string... ifile
Read from file... 'inputDir$''fileName$'
sound_name$ = selected$ ("Sound")
select Sound 'sound_name$'
editor Sound 'sound_name$'
Select... 0.21 0.45
Move start of selection to nearest zero crossing
Move end of selection to nearest zero crossing
Write selected sound to WAV file... ./output/'fileName$'
select all
minus Strings list
select all
I want to cut the segment from the speech file and then save it without it
It's not clear what you want to do with the deleted segment. Do you want to edit it out (as in, shorten the total duration of the sound?) or simply silence it (as in set the samples contained within to zero?).
Either way, you don't need to open the sound editor (the window with the sound wave and the spectrogram). Below I reproduced your script with some alternatives (and updated the syntax).
form Files
sentence Input_dir ./
positive Start 0.21
positive End 0.45
list = Create Strings as file list: "list", input_dir$ + "*.wav"
numberOfFiles = Get number of strings
for ifile to numberOfFiles
selectObject: list
fileName$ = Get string: ifile
sound = Read from file: input_dir$ + fileName$
sound_name$ = selected$("Sound")
# Find zero crossings
start = Get nearest zero crossing: 1, start
end = Get nearest zero crossing: 1, end
sound_end = Get total duration
# Cut the selected part out, shortening the sound
# by extracting the part before and after and concatenating
before = Extract part: 0, start, "rectangular", 1, "no"
selectObject: sound
after = Extract part: end, sound_end, "rectangular", 1, "no"
selectObject: before, after
new = Concatenate
removeObject: before, after
## Or, if you want to set the selected part to zero
## (since we already have the zero crossings)
# new = Set part to zero: start, end, "at exactly these times"
## Or, if what you want is to get only the selected part
## and not the original sound
# new = Extract part: start, end, "rectangular", 1, "no"
# Either way, the new, modified sound is selected
# and its ID is stored in `new`
Save as WAV file: "./output/" + fileName$
# I prefer a less shotgunny way to remove unwanted objects
removeObject: sound, new
removeObject: list