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Elm: decoding floats encoded as strings in JSON

I'm looking to decode floats in JSON that are in quotes.

import Html exposing (text)    
import Json.Decode as Decode

type alias MonthlyUptime = {
  percentage: Maybe Float

decodeMonthlyUptime = MonthlyUptime
    (Decode.field "percentage" (Decode.maybe Decode.float))        

json = "{ \"percentage\": \"100.0\" }"   
decoded = Decode.decodeString decodeMonthlyUptime json  

main = text (toString decoded)

(Execute here)

This outputs Ok { percentage = Nothing }.

I've been fairly confused by the documentation surrounding custom decoders, and it looks like some of it is out of date (for instance, references to Decode.customDecoder)


  • Elm 0.19.1

    Decode.field "percentage" Decode.string
        |> (String.toFloat >> MonthlyUptime)

    Original answer

    Instead of the andThen I would suggest using a map:

    Decode.field "percentage" 
           (String.toFloat >> Result.toMaybe >> MonthlyUptime)