following problem in C# (working in VS Community 2015):
First off, i fairly new to C#, so excuse me if that question would be an easy fix.
I have a contact sensor giving me a string of numbers (length measurement). I read them with the SystemPort Methods and cut them down to the numbers that i need with substring (as the beginning of the string, the "SR00002" is useless to me).
In the end i end up with a string like : "000.3422" or "012.2345". Now i want to convert that string to one solid int-variable that i can work with, meaning subtract values from and such.
Bsp: I want to calculate 012.234 - 000.3422 (or , instead of . but i could change that beforehand)
I already tried Parse and ConvertToInt (while iterating through the string) but the endresult is always a string.
string b = serialPort2.ReadLine();
string[] b1 = Regex.Split(b, "SR,00,002,");
string b2 = b1[1].Substring(1);
foreach (char c in b2)
textBox2.Text = b2 + b2.GetType();
I know that when b2 will be int it can not be printed in the Textbox but ill take care of that later.
When everything is converted accordingly, ill outsource the conversion to its own method =)
The GetType is just for testing and as said shows only System.String (which i dont want). Help would be much appreaciated. I also browsed the searchfunction and google but couldnt find anything of help. I wish any possible helpers a nice day, mfg Chris.
use the int.Parse