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OrientDB 'engine 'remote' was not found'

Im using the community orientdb 2.2.12. When I run the app inside IntelliJ everything works fine. However, when I compile the project I get the following error:

Caused by: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OConfigurationException: Error on opening database: the engine 'remote' was not found. URL was: remote:xxxxxx/test1. Registered engines are: [memory, plocal]
    DB name="remote:xxxxxx/test1"
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.Orient.loadStorage(
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTx.<init>(
    ... 13 more



I checked the Shaded JAR and it contains all the orientdb-client-*.

The code where the exception is being thrown:

public OrientGraphFactory factory() {

    final int THREADS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1;

    return new OrientGraphFactory(
        AppConfig.getDatabaseSecret()).setupPool(THREADS, THREADS + 10);



  • AFAIU you're trying to build an uberJar with your app code and OrientDB code. To include the right dependencies, my suggestion is to copy the list from the distribution pom.xml:

    Why does it work in IntelliJ? Well, the IDE, even Eclipse, has a single classpath, that includes test sources and test jars. When you build with maven, it has a "test" classpath, same as the one in idea, and a runtime classpath without test jars (and without transitive dependency of test jars!!!).

    About the remote connection, you need a running standalone OrientDB server to connect to, or at least your application should run an embedded server.

    Hope this help.