We have our domain specific language developed over Xtext. We want to add this language support on Eclipse Che.
Question 1: What are the possible ways to add ?
I know Eclipse che uses Orion as editor. As per Xtext documentation at http://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/documentation/330_web_support.html, it says XText supports Orion. It means Che can support Xtext without doing anything but che is planning to support XText via Xtext Language Server protocol installed.
Question 2: How this Xtext language server protocol can be used for existing Xtext code?
Question 3: Does Orion also communicate with Xtext via LSP ?
Any help/pointer will be very helpful.
i cannot really answer (1) and (3) but (2)
Xtext will have Support for Language Servers in the upcoming 2.11 versions. The Following blog articles will give you a starting point: https://blogs.itemis.com/en/integrating-xtext-language-support-in-visual-studio-code (code at https://github.com/itemis/xtext-languageserver-example) and https://github.com/TypeFox/languageserver-example . the basic idea is that (a) xtext will generate language registations to META-INF/services/* for Java Servers and ships with a main class to start a language server in process io mode
. alternatively you can start a language server in socket mode.
Eclipse Orion is currently working on Language Server Support as well http://git.eclipse.org/c/orion/org.eclipse.orion.client.git/log/?h=mrennie/languageServer