Really strange knockout error I am having. It's a pretty complex scenario so please see this fiddle:
Essentially I have a double nested collection, the first collection FishMeasurements
contains a collection of objects which have the species information associated with it, and a collection of Measurements
which hold all measurements associated with that species.
Now when I try and remove items from the nested collection in this HTML:
<!-- ko foreach: FishMeasurements() -->
<h3><span data-bind="text: SpeciesName"></span><span data-bind="text: SpeciesId" style="display: none;"></span></h3>
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Fish Id</th>
<th> </th>
<tbody data-bind="foreach: Measurements()">
<td><span data-bind="text: LengthInMillimeters"></span></td>
<td><span data-bind="text: Count"></span></td>
<td><span data-bind="text: WeightInPounds"></span></td>
<td><span data-bind="text: FishCode"></span></td>
<td><a href="#" data-bind="click: function() { $root.removeMeasurement($data, $index); }">Remove</a></td>
<!-- /ko -->
The remove measurement function doesn't work when the Measurements
collection has more than one object. I click the remove link, and it throws an error that says:
VM617:163 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Measurements' of null(…)
The strange thing about this is, if I only add one item to the Measurements collection, the delete button work fine, but as soon as I add multiple measurements, if I click remove on any item in the table but the first row, this error is generated. However, if I click the first item in the table per species, there is no error and all records are removed!
Something tells me its treating Measurements like one object instead of a collection, because it only works on index 0. But I'm not sure because in console I am able to type:
And get a full ko_mapping object returned, so it's not null. But for some reason when I click the remove, it is null. As long as there is only one measurement per species, clicking remove works fine, as soon as there are more it breaks.
What am I doing wrong?
When you addMeasurement
for the first time speciesId
, speciesName
are getting defined because fishMeasurementBySpecies === undefined
and therefore when you remove the first item you have a valid measurement.SpeciesId()
as a parameter inside removeMeasurement
function but for the second time and more since fishMeasurementBySpecies
is not undefined
anymore then speciesId
, speciesName
never get set and then whenremoveMeasurement
is called,measurement.SpeciesId()
is null.
In order to make your model works, you need to apply below changes.
define var speciesId = mappedModel.SelectedSpecies();
before your if statment
var speciesId = mappedModel.SelectedSpecies();
if (fishMeasurementBySpecies === undefined || fishMeasurementBySpecies === null) {
Put ()
for Measurements
inside removeMeasurement function where you want to get the length
if(fishMeasurementBySpecies.Measurements().length === 0)
Below I provide you an example of what you want to do by using manual view model instead of using mapping
Your example :
var data = {
{"Id":"f57830b8-0766-4374-b481-82c04087415e","Name":"Alabama Shad"},
{"Id":"3787ce10-e61c-4f03-88a5-ff648bb55480","Name":"Alewife"},{"Id":"e923214f-4974-4663-9158-d6979ce637f1","Name":"All Sunfish Spp Ex Bass And Crappie"} ],
"SelectedSpecies": null, "CountToAdd":0,"LengthToAdd":0,"WeightToAdd":0,"GenerateFishCode":false,"FishMeasurements":[]
function AppViewModel(){
var self = this;
self.AvailableSpecies = ko.observableArray(data.AvailableSpecies);
self.SelectedSpecies = ko.observable();
self.CountToAdd = ko.observable();
self.LengthToAdd = ko.observable();
self.WeightToAdd = ko.observable();
self.FishCode = ko.observable();
self.FishMeasurements = ko.observableArray([]);
self.addMeasurement = function(item) {
var SpeciesExists = false;
ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.FishMeasurements(), function (item) {
if(item.SpeciesId() == self.SelectedSpecies().Id) {
var len = item.Measurements().length;
// you may have a better way to generate a unique Id if an item is removed
while(item.Measurements().findIndex(x => x.Id() === len) > 0){
item.Measurements.push(new MeasurementsViewModel({LengthInMillimeters:self.LengthToAdd(),
Id:len ++,
SpeciesExists = true;
self.FishMeasurements.push(new FishMeasurementsViewModel({SpeciesName:self.SelectedSpecies().Name,
self.removeMeasurement = function(data){
ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.FishMeasurements(), function (item) {
if(item && item.SpeciesId() == data.ParentId()) {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(item.Measurements(), function (subItem) {
if(subItem && subItem.Id() == data.Id()) {
if(item && item.Measurements().length == 0){
var FishMeasurementsViewModel = function(data){
var self = this;
self.SpeciesName = ko.observable(data.SpeciesName);
self.SpeciesId = ko.observable(data.SpeciesId);
self.Measurements = ko.observableArray($.map(data.Measurements, function (item) {
return new MeasurementsViewModel(item,self.SpeciesId());
var MeasurementsViewModel = function(data,parentId){
var self = this;
self.LengthInMillimeters = ko.observable(data.LengthInMillimeters);
self.Count = ko.observable(data.Count);
self.WeightInPounds = ko.observable(data.WeightInPounds);
self.FishCode = ko.observable(data.FishCode);
self.Id = ko.observable(data.Id);
self.ParentId = ko.observable(parentId ? parentId : data.ParentId);
var viewModel = new AppViewModel();