Hi I have five production server for(website,Cassandra,elastic search,redis) and I want to monitor them so I came across many monitoring tools and I finalized the two tools
1. Nagios
2. ElasticSearch Beats
Now I am not able to get which one to use.So which one will give me better system stats and is more scalable and easy to configure and use.
"Better" is, of course, subjective.
Both nagios and metricbeat can give you the basic information about the machine (disk space, load, etc).
Nagios can be tough to configure, but runs well once it's setup. I find it to be cloud "unfriendly" as the configuration is centralized. I've had to jump through hoops to make it work decently in AWS.
Metricbeat has 9 different things it can send (including plugins for MySQL, etc). Nagios has countless plugins.
While nagios still needs a central server, I would say that it's easier to run than an elasticsearch cluster.
But, if you have log files, then using the Elastic stack can be a good foundation.
You might take a look at sensu, which is easier to configure and can run all the nagios plugins. Using both sensu and metricbeat in combination would also work well.