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Facebook accountKit debug mode, Change UI color and SMS Message content

I already implemented the facebook accountKit in my android application. They have nice documentation in their official page. That's link is here for documentation and here is sample code. currently i am fetching some issue. Those are given bellow:

  1. Change UI from facebook webpanel: I already customized the apps UI from web panel. But this design is not affected in my application. My application is in development mode.
  2. Change SMS message body: Currently in SMS body is like:

USE 123456 as your login code for SOME_APPS [DEV MODE]. (Account Kit by Facebook)

But why this message "DEV MODE" word? When and how it will reduce? Some notes:

  1. Currently i am in development mode. So may be it will resolved when i release this apps. But how i add [RELEASE MODE] for accountKit project?

Thanks in advance.


    1. It sounds like you are following the web customization on the developer portal. To customize the UI for Android, you'll need to follow these docs:

    2. The [DEV MODE] will be removed once your app is no longer in development mode.