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Subversion usages

I am just starting to use "Subversion" with "Tortoise SVN client" for one of my opensource project which is hosted on "Google Code". I would like to get some best practices on using it. I am following the default folder structure(trunk,branch,tag). Following are the questions

  1. When will you do the initial checkin? Is it only after finished a set of features or from the first day of development?
  2. To which directory the initial checkin goes? Is it into "trunk" or you checkin to "branch" and merge to "trunk" once a feature is complete. In this case "trunk" will be empty until the feature is done.
  3. When ever changes are made, will you checkin to "trunk" directly? If not your working copy will be always using "branch" directory, right?

Any help would be appreciated.


    1. I recommend you to check in your files before you start to do heavy modifications to them (check in early, check in often).

    2. It depends, some people like to have the trunk stable, work in branches and then merge the branches back to the trunk when the features are ready, but you can also commit directly to the trunk.

    3. It also depends on how you will work and what do you like to have in trunk (the latest stable version or the latest bleeding edge version).