The following code
if (window.x !== window.y) {
const x = "x";
is minified using uglifyjs to
if(console.log("foo"),window.x!==window.y){const x="x";console.log(x)}
As one can see it's not longer than the more straightforward
console.log("foo");if(window.x!==window.y){const x="x";console.log(x)}
So what do they gain by moving it? Is it some tricky engine-specific optimisation or there is a reason that I cannot see?
Someone else pointed me to a place in their readme where they clarify it
consecutive statements in blocks are merged into a sequence; in many cases, this leaves blocks with a single statement, so then we can remove the block brackets.
So it is not the case here, but it saves 2 characters when you have something like
if (<expr>) {
if (window.x !== window.y) {
const x = "x";