I have a dynamically generated html table that adds rows based on the record that is displayed. I'm adding a column that will contain a dropdown. I used ng-options for it, however every time I change one record, the rest are also updated. Tried changing it to ng-repeat and get the same result. See code below:
<select class="form-control" ng-model="$ctrl.selectedRC" ng- options="r.ccd as (r.OName + ' -- '+ r.RCName) for r in $ctrl.RC track by r.ccd"> </select>
<!--if I have 5 records, all dropdowns in the table change -->
Using ng-repeat:
<select class="form-control" ng-model="$ctrl.selectedRC" <option value="" ng-selected="true">--Select one--</option>
<option ng-repeat="r in $ctrl.RC"
ng-selected="{{r.OName === selectedRC}}">{{r.RCName}}
I know that these two are currently displaying two different things (one a concatenated set of values, the other juts one). But my main interest is to figure out how to have each <td>
have its own dropdown without affecting the rest of the rows.
Simply because you use the same ng-model for all rows.
You need to define a different one for each row.
You do this:
but you need something like this:
where $index is your reference to the row.