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Using custom Stencil tag in Kitura

Following the instructions in the Stencil documentation, I registered a simple custom tag:

let ns = Namespace()

ns.registerSimpleTag("contact") { context in
  return "<a href=\"/contact\">contact us</a>"

but I can't see how to pass the namespace to render, as response.render only takes a dictionary, not an actual Context object.

What am I missing? Is there a pre-existing namespace somewhere I should be using instead of creating one myself?


  • You can fork and change KituraStencilTemplateEngine.swift.

    Define your ns namespace in StencilTemplateEngine.render() and change the return code line to be:

    return try template.render(Context(dictionary: context), namespace: ns)

    Then add a tag to your fork and use your fork as a dependency in Package.swift.