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Getting Html color codes with a JColorChooser

Is there a way to get the html color code from a JColorChooser

My java Applet takes three colors from the user and averages them and displays the color

I want to get the html color code after they look at the average color

how can I do that


  • Write a method to convert a Color to a String.

    An HTML color code is just the R, G, and B values converted to hex and displayed as a string with a pound sign in front. This is a fairly simple method to write.

    public static String toHexString(Color c) {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("#");
      if (c.getRed() < 16) sb.append('0');
      if (c.getGreen() < 16) sb.append('0');
      if (c.getBlue() < 16) sb.append('0');
      return sb.toString();