I am looking how to pick a winner, a 2nd and 3rd place out of a list of scores (player names in row 1 and scores in row 2). The difficulty is how to take into account when there are ties. The rules I would like to follow are the following:
Sofar I have the following:
The winner:
2nd place:
Example: Player 1 (250), Player 2 (300), Player 3 (300) => Winner Player 2, 2nd place Player 3
Thanks a lot,
Following is the formula for finding second place in case two players has same highest score -
Basically, I have added one if formula around your given formula -
1) If two players has same highest score -
change the range of match formula lookup array. This dynamic range is specified using offset -
2) If winner and second place player does not have same score, original formula is used.
Limitation of this approach is that it would not be possible to make this formula generic.
For example, for finding third place, there are 4 possible scenarios -