I was writing some random code in the chrome developer console. For my surprise, chrome let me use let
as a variable name which is completely wrong as let
is a reserved keyword. I need to understand why is this happening.
var const = 78 //throws an error as expected
var function = 46 //throws an error as expected
var let = 56 //didn't throw an error :O
let //prints 56, which is wrong because 'let' is a keyword
let ab = 90
ab //prints 90 as expected
This flaw exists in node
. But, when I try it in Babel REPL it is throwing an error.
I think this is something to do with Google v8
A nice write-up of the reasoning behind this can be found in this article by Mohsen Azimi. Here's a quick summary of it.
The following keywords are defined in the JavaScript spec as FutureReservedWord
implements interface let package private
protected public static yield
In normal mode, these can be used as variable names without errors; however, in strict mode they are treated as reserved words and will throw the following error:
SyntaxError: Cannot use the reserved word 'let' as a variable name in strict mode.
This is so that pre-ES2015 code doesn't break - if someone had named lots of their variables let
in a legacy app, they probably wouldn't be happy if the JS spec suddenly broke everything.