I am currently trying to convert a 6 digit number into a day of the week. For example, I want "150102" to be converted as the weekday Friday "15" is the year 2015", "01" is the month, and "02" is the day
Note I want to do this without importing any time functions and using the language python.
Well, judging by your comments, this is an assignment (which means it should be marked as such). So I'm afraid my solution will be vague, but provide some guidance on a (read, probably not the best) solution.
First, you want to have something which splits the given String into the year/month/date.
public class Date {
private int year, month, date;
public Date(final String given) {
// TODO - Extract year / month / date.
// Validate year is supported, month exists and date
// exists in month...
Next, your gonna (probably) need some fixed point which you know the weekday of (say, Jan. 1, 2000; saturday).
Then use your knowledge of days in year/leap-year, each month, etc. to find how many days since that date the provided argument was.
static int daysSinceKnown(Date date) {
// TODO - How many years since, how many of those were leap-years, etc.
Finally, modular arithmetic can give you the weekday from that function's return. (Specifically, looking at that value mod 7
) would give you a number 0-6
[negative numbers won't work nicely, but you can catch that when validating the year] which you can interpret as a day of the week.)