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summary() function not printing correctly

This might be a very lame question, but I cannot really figure out what's going. Normally if I called this function:

summary(VLTcog$per ~ VLTcog$Cognate)

The output that I got was:

VLTcog$per N=90

| | |N |VLTcog$per|
|VLTcog$Cognate|C |48|74.42708 |
| |NC|42|56.42857 |
|Overall | |90|66.02778 |

Now, if I do the same, the only output it gives me is:
Length Class Mode
3 formula call
str of my data
'data.frame': 90 obs. of 4 variables:
$ Item : Factor w/ 90 levels "1 acquiesce",..: 86 16 30 62 28 53 26 83 51 65 ...
$ Cognate : Factor w/ 2 levels "C","NC": 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 ...
$ Frequency: Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ per : num 100 67.5 95 82.5 87.5 67.5 95 40 87.5 87.5 ...


  • It looks like your summary behaviour was coming from Hmisc::summary.formula (I used library(sos); findFn("summary.formula") to figure this out ...)

    In a clean R session:

    x <- 1:10
    y <- 1:10
    ## Length   Class    Mode 
    ##   3 formula    call 

    Now load Hmisc:

    ## [1] ‘4.0.0’
    ## y     N= 10 
    ## +-------+------+--+---+
    ## |       |      |N |y  |
    ## +-------+------+--+---+
    ## |x      |[1, 4)| 3|2.0|
    ## |       |[4, 6)| 2|4.5|
    ## |       |[6, 9)| 3|7.0|
    ## |       |[9,10]| 2|9.5|
    ## +-------+------+--+---+
    ## |Overall|      |10|5.5|
    ## +-------+------+--+---+

    So I suggest you see how things go if you try this in a session with only Hmisc loaded, then try out other packages to see if one of them masks the summary.formula method ...