I've this schema for an EAR deployed in Wildfly:
LibInterfaceA.jar is a library of only interfaces used in ejb modules (A adn B) and in WAR for injecting ejb and extended in LibInterfaceB.jar .
The problem is with java reflection when I search for custom annotations inside LibInterfaceA:
public Annotation getAnnotazione(Method method, Class annotationType){
Annotation annotazioni[] = method.getAnnotations();
URL locationsearch = annotationType.getResource('/' + annotationType.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class");
for(Annotation a : annotazioni){
Class klass = a.annotationType();
URL location = klass.getResource('/' + klass.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class");
return a;
return null;
I call this method in a class inside the WAR to find the annotation annotationType=@Custom. @Custom is of WAR/lib/LibInterfaceA.jar
If i call this method to find on a Class implementing a LibInterfaceB's interface that extends an interface in LibInterfeceA, the annotation @Custom on the method is of the jar EAR/lib/LibInterfaceA.jar , so the classes are different for classloading problem.
How can I solve this problem?
You can remove LibInterfaceA.jar from war. By default sub deployments of ear can use its lib directory (unless you set ear-subdeployments-isolated = true in jboss-depoyment-structure.xml of ear)