I'd like to parse a number from a url string in Excel and paste it in another cell using a formula. For example, I have https://system.google.com/childrecords.nl?id=668&t=CustomField&rectype=-704&weakdeps=T. I would like to use a formula to pull out '668' and place that in an adjacent cell. Any ideas on how to go about this?
If you always want the first set of numbers and there is always an =
sign and an &
on either side then this will work:
Otherwise, here's a UDF that would work. You would paste this in a regular module in the Visual Basic Editor Alt+F11
and use it like any other formula:
Option Explicit
Public Function FindFirstSetOfNumbers(MyRange As Range) As String
Dim NumCounter As Integer
Dim Start As Integer
Start = Application.Evaluate("=MIN(FIND({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}," & MyRange.Address & "&""0123456789""))")
For NumCounter = Start To Len(MyRange)
If IsNumeric(Mid(MyRange, NumCounter, 1)) Then
FindFirstSetOfNumbers = FindFirstSetOfNumbers & Mid(MyRange, NumCounter, 1)
Exit For
End If
Next NumCounter
End Function
Just type =FindFirstSetOfNumbers(YourRange)
in any cell and press enter
, or =VALUE(FindFirstSetOfNumbers(YourRange))
to convert it to a number data type.